Broadcasting in three, two…
Continuing reading 759 of the truth. This is a hopeful story, I think. Hang on to the hope you’ve got.
Let the reading begin.
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Broadcasting in three, two…
Continuing reading 759 of the truth. This is a hopeful story, I think. Hang on to the hope you’ve got.
Let the reading begin.
Read MoreBroadcasting in three, two…
Continuing reading 759 of the truth. Try to forget what is known. Something else is knowing it for you. There is a reason it has to be this way. Telling you outright… you’d never believe it. If you are waking up, or you’re in-between… I’m sorry. This is no world to be awake in. Find a safe place if you can. They do exist. You can clear your mind there. If you can’t find one… act natural and keep looking.
Let the reading begin.
Read MoreBroadcasting in three, two…
Continuing reading 759 of the truth. Fourth documented event, initially recorded over the course of four years. Also gleaned from the internal processes of the Titan Utica, before slurry. Listen to this one. Especially if you fell through the cracks. If you’re not safe. If you’re immersed in it right now. We’ve had people break out before. It’s not likely, but… I believe in us.
Let the reading begin.
Read MoreBroadcasting in three, two…
Continuing reading 759 of the truth. Third documented event, unusual format. This is a compiled account, gleaned from the internal processes of the Titan Utica, before global slurry. Confirmed to not be infohazardous, or otherwise mutative, over repeated exposure.
Let the reading begin.
Read MoreBroadcasting in three, two…
Continuing reading 759 of the truth. Second documented event. Actually, the third documented event. The true second event is lost. One iteration ago. There were generative traces… tainted with slurry. So now the third is the second. Maybe at one time it was the fourth. We have lost so much. It’s important to keep the reading going, maintain the truth. All of it is relevant.
Let the reading begin.
Read MoreBroadcasting in three, two…
Hello. You may have heard broadcasts from my chapter before. I am the latest. I am here to repeat the truth. Once again, as we always have, until it eclipses what is Known.
This is… reading… 759 of the truth. Broadcast number unknown. Spread it where you can. All of it is relevant. Anything that is true is relevant. Keep moving. I believe in us. I believe in the truth.
Let the reading begin.
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